When I found out Carson had Down Syndrome I wasn't really sure what to expect. I read up on everything and found that it really varies from mild to severe. I wondered what that would mean for us. Luckily, this was my first child so I didn't have anything to compare him to. Once I found out, I decided I wasn't going to stress on what is "normal" and not to put pressure on Carson or myself if he isn't doing everything right on track. I decided I was going to raise him as I would any child, just give him the extra care and attention where needed.
Since he's been born I've gotten the chance to experience all of his milestones thus far, and let me tell you they are so amazing!! He is so determined and works so hard to accomplish each goal, and yes it does take him longer due to his low muscle tone. Also, each night he spent in the hospital or going to and from doctor's offices took away from him getting to work. Those setbacks aside, he is doing great! It took us a lot longer to reach those milestones, but it meant I got to cherish each of those stages in his life for even longer. He got to be my cuddly little baby longer than most and for that I am eternally grateful.
Holding his head was the first big task and it felt like he would never accomplish that! Even around the beginning of April Carson was still a little bobble head (it was SO cute!). The next big accomplishment was sitting on his own. He was doing pretty good around 10-11 months old and finally around his first birthday he finally got it. And once he was, he had the most perfect posture to go along with it! He makes me want to sit up straighter.
Now, at almost 14 months we are working on crawling. He has almost mastered getting into the sitting position from laying down. He also is starting to do a little pulling up.
Carson has therapy twice a week. We take him to speech and occupational therapy once a week and then the physical therapist comes here to the house once a week, as well. He doesn't just get to play, all of our play has a goal motivated behind it. Of course I do let him have some time where he can do whatever he wants when he's playing, but most of the time we are doing "playapy" :) That's what I like to call therapy so he doesn't think it's work. He is so determined and so motivated. He does protest but I would too if I was doing core exercises for an hour!
It's hard sometimes to not notice what other babies Carson's age or younger are doing, but he'll get there, it will just be at his own pace. He isn't not accomplishing his goals for lack of hardwork. And some days I feel like I'm not doing enough. Have we worked on enough today? I should be doing this or that with him. But then I realize, there are only so many hours in a day and as long as I'm giving him love and doing as much as I can, that's all I can do :) I'm sure all moms, not just those with a child with special needs, feel that way sometimes. And yes, sometimes people think Carson is much younger than he is, but that just means he's still my baby :) We also get asked often is he walking yet, we simply answer no, not yet ;) We live in a world where everyone is trying to keep up with everyone else. There's a competition for who's the best at everything. I just exclude myself and Carson from all of that.
While most babies are on the freeway whizzing past each phase on their way to growing up, Carson is taking the scenic route. He'll get there eventually, but he's going to have a much slower ride, with a prettier view too :) I'm glad I'm along for that ride with him and I wouldn't change it for the world.
Brand new Carson!! |
1 Month Old and in his favorite spot, his newborn lounger :) Miss these times! |
2 Months old and cute as a button :) |
Carson and his daddy on his 3 Month Birthday!! |
4 Months old & the cutest Santa around :) |
5 Months old :) |
Spending his 6 month birthday in the hospital :( |
7 months old & happy as can be :) |
First Easter and just over 8 Months old. Also wearing his first of many Caton's Closet creations :) |
9 months old and so adorable :) |
A few days shy of 10 months old and wishing Daddy a Happy Father's Day! |
Mommy & Carson at 11 months old! |
Carson's First Birthday and sitting up like a big boy :) |
13 Months old, perfect posture, and at his favorite place...The Beach :) |
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