AKA Category’s of moms.
There are lots of different types of moms who are good in lots of different areas. Let’s begin:
The crafty moms, who needs Pinterest with these ladies around. Their kids projects are the ones that you want to buy on the black market.
The athletic moms, straight from the gym to carline to coaching their kids who can do burpees better than most of us.
There are the corporate moms, I kind of yearn to be one of these moms, amazing suits, traveling for work, & going to business meetings, all while attending parent teacher conferences.
Next there are what I call the angel fairy moms, the kind that my kids really want me to be. These are the moms that are so patient, I’m talking to the point where I wonder if they are medicated, so gentle, & kind, & I contemplate if the word “no” is in their vocabulary. See also: Nana, Grandma, mythical unicorn.
Then, there’s this rare breed of medical moms & that is where I feel like I fit the most. These are the moms that feel more comfortable at doctor appointments & the hospital than they do at sports practice or PTA meetings. These moms know medical terms better than most doctors but feel lost at the playground around other moms. And these moms basically have been through med school & residency since their children have been born. We all have our niche market as moms & mine is dealing with Carson’s medical needs. I’ve said before I feel oddly at home in the hospital and therapy. These are my people. In another life I was on my way to be a physician assistant & maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe, though, it’s that I feel like things are most in control when we are in a hospital. Let’s test something, get the answer, & adjust. While things never work that perfectly, in theory it’s great! Surprisingly, Carson thrives in this environment, as well, for different reasons. Carson’s favorite thing in the world is to interact with others. Meeting new people is his happy place. In the hospital there are constant people coming in & out & he gets to meet them all, & in all honesty, make them all fall in love with him. He makes his mark on everyone & they are all enthralled with him by the time we leave. For me, I actually feel confident & like I have it all together here. Trust me, there are moments where I’m defeated & scared & lost, but for the most part, the hospital is oddly soothing. We spent a lot of Carson’s life in & out of hospitals. So there’s a sense of home there for us. Recently I’ve had people say, we could be doctors with all that we do (We also have a dog in kidney failure I give fluids to 3x a week). I wish! But in all reality, it’s all we or Carson knows. I guess the same could be said for all the moms I’ve listed above. I know & love & sometimes envy all these moms. I want to be crafty, sporty, corporate, angelic, & unfortunately, medical.
Finally, there are those moms who aren’t yet. They are our sisters, aunts, friends, teachers, etc. They have my heart the most. Those who yearn for all of this insaneness but life is messy & messed up, and most of all, unfair sometimes. To all those ladies I hope you know you belong right along side of all us crazy women as well. Mostly, this is about sisterhood & even though sometimes we feel separated & segregated, we are all connected & need to all support each other. How else will we all survive without it?
Just a few pictures of our last 7+ years in the hospital 💙💛💙💛